When your life is so uninteresting that even you just want to get through the day without noticing yourself, a little rain and blood might help.
Don't ever get too close when you're trying to define "humans" and your confidence might be waning in light of what you say.
This is how the world ends...and did you think for one second that it wouldn't be the most annoying experience of your life?
Darren was about to learn a few things about self-identifying, but was it too late?
Did you ever wish "that person" would finally get taken down a peg or two?
Lastest short story ebook on Smashwords will satisfy your lust for balance in the human species and make you laugh.
What happens when two brothers, after almost a lifetime, face a terrible truth from their childhood, sort of.
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Happy with his life in the woods, alone beyond reach of the outside world, Josh is suddenly thrust into a strange journey to fulfil a long-standing duty. (Literary)
This was originally published in Projected Letters Literary Journal.
He loved her from his office window as she fished the Moody River right till the end. (Literary)
This was originally published in Projected Letters Literary Journal.
It was another time of war, just as it is today and always will be. But Jerry’s war was on the front lines of GREAT DEALS and 40% OFF!
Written during the first Gulf War, things don't seem to have changed much.
As she fears the worst for her friends, he assures her that it all comes together downstream. Or will it? In another place, a man’s fascination with nature turns destructive.
The night is full of moon and mischief when One-Eyed Josephine decides it’s time to party and make a few changes in the world of humans.
Blaise desperately wanted her social life back but how can you have friends over when you never know what's going to tumble out of the refrigerator. But maybe if she could just get it right, the Book of a Thousand Life Changing Words would give her a new start her old life.
In a world sinking from our arrogance, escape is a dangerous illusion.
It's great to finish a novel after months or years of pain and sacrifice but, unfortunately, this is where the real work begins: revision and re-writing. This little book outlines a plan to save a lot of time and work.
It was just another noon hour crib game in the office until death struck suddenly and without warning.
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If you like coffee and you like writing, then this book is for you. Writing in Coffee Shops shows you the ins and outs of picking the perfect spot to write and finally get that novel written. You'll learn about coffee shop etiquette, how to find the right coffee shop, how to deal with distractions, what to take, how to start and much more.
Nobody knew exactly what it was with that kid...something unsettling under the average face and the normal eyes.
Our demons begin infesting us early in life―around the time we’re infants, before we can walk or talk, when the bottle or breast takes a long threatening time to arrive, not to mention, in the case of men, having your foreskin sliced off. This short book examines 105 of those demons.
This is a collection of blog posts and articles on everything from blue-eyed zombies to the dangers of thinking.
Blog posts and articles about writing and the writing life.
All Bart wanted was a delicious avocado for his snack but fate became the main course with no dessert.
Facing the bullies at school was one thing...facing whatever was in the lake was another.
Where the hell did Kenny and Sara’s exercise bike go? What insidious plot is afoot.
Coming Soon!
Blowing Up doesn’t fit well into any category. A mixture of satire and science fiction, spiritual pondering and scatological polemics, the book is utterly original.
Lisabet Sarai (Goodreads Reviewer) 5 Stars