FIRST: If this is your first time reading this free series, you should click on Crazy Man at the top of the screen for the first 100 episodes. Or just continue here.
Some say life’s a path winding through a forest of endless possibilities. Well…we’ll see. In the meantime, Crazy Man and the dog, Sidestepper, will be following that path through the deep dark scary woods on a journey like no other.
And who are Crazy Man and the dog, Sidestepper?
I’m not sure. I’m still learning.
Crazy Man was under his bed with an empty bottle of wine for a long time before he decided to look into “this outside thing.” His body exists in one dimension and his mind in another and he’s never been sure which is which. Once on the path, the past begins to slip away and he can’t remember if he has a kitchen or not. Or a garage.
The dog, Sidestepper, is looking for the mother who abandoned him when he was a puppy, causing his body to stay the same size and his legs to grow into long skinny stilts that make him look strangely like an egret nest perched on top of power lines. But don’t think about that…you’ll dream. It won’t be nice. And he walks sideways. Always.
After a short confrontational greeting during which Crazy Man assures the dog, Sidestepper, that he’s not his mother, the two decide to travel together down the path of adventure and new meanings through the deep dark scary woods.
What awaits them will change their already weird lives into…well…something weirder. You’re welcome to join them on their journey but, be warned, nothing good can come of this.
Yes, being an artist, I have much too much money, so I'm giving this away free. I'm also giving away other free stuff. Click the Free Stuff button at the top of page for some of this free stuff.
If you’re new here, you can click (below) to read all the episodes up till now.
Each one is a three or four page PDF file.
Or, you can go to the blog and read it there, if you're into blogs .
For the first 100 episodes click Crazy Man...on the menu bar at the top of the screen.
Wherein Crazy Man and the dog, Sidestepper, meet The Antsy.
(WARNING: Sometimes terrible dancers have too many legs.)
Wherein Crazy Man and the dog, Sidestepper, get sort of wired.
(BTW: Stay away from the barbs.)
Wherein Crazy Man and the dog, Sidestepper, are tempted by re-unbornness.
(BTW: Life is awareness of life. Or so said the fox.)
Wherein Crazy Man and the dog, Sidestepper, meet the Dolphin of Diamonds.
(NOTE: All that glitters may be coal.)
Wherein Crazy Man and the dog, Sidestepper, meet Rot and Iron.
(OMG: The deep dark scary woods chuckled.)
Wherein Crazy Man and the dog, Sidestepper, meet the lost feather.
(NOTE: Watch out for mules with cold asses.)
Wherein Crazy Man and the dog, Sidestepper, might have been in grave danger.
(HEY: Don’t be a target.)
Wherein Crazy Man and the dog, Sidestepper, sort of become. Or not.
(REGRET: When people move into caves.)
Wherein Crazy Man and the dog, Sidestepper, find out what the pigeons knew. Or not.
(WARNING: Be wary of what falls out of the sky.)
Wherein Crazy Man and the dog, Sidestepper, save the world from mud and beavers.
(WARNING: Be wary of what falls out of the sky.)
Wherein Crazy Man and the dog, Sidestepper, meet quackers who eat them all.
(TIP: Eat before you are eaten.)
Wherein Crazy Man and the dog, Sidestepper, set their brains on fire. Sort of.
(WARNING: Always carry a pen and parchment.)
Wherein Crazy Man and the dog, Sidestepper, meet the cart that stands alone.
(WARNING: Pay attention to what’s coming.)
Wherein Crazy Man and the dog, Sidestepper, meet the Wrap Around.
(TIP: Always leave room to unwrap.)Wherein Crazy
Wherein Crazy Man and the dog, Sidestepper, meet the primal muck.
(TIP: Always leave room for the unforeseen.)
Wherein Crazy Man and the dog, Sidestepper, meet the broken tree.
(TIP: Your spot is your spot.)
Wherein Crazy Man and the dog, Sidestepper, travel to the top of the world.
(ADVICE: You cannot escape the sun.)
Wherein Crazy Man and the dog, Sidestepper, get complicated.
(TRUE: Every answer has infinite questions.)
Wherein Crazy Man and the dog, Sidestepper, tumble down.
(WARNING: This episode contains grasshoppers.)
Wherein Crazy Man and the dog, Sidestepper, confront goo.
(WARNING: This episode contains a fart or two.)
Wherein Crazy Man and the dog, Sidestepper, meet the mobile cart home.
(NOTE: I’ve seen people sleep in shopping carts.)
Wherein Crazy Man and the dog, Sidestepper, meet the collective garbage.
(QUESTION: Where in the world is OongaDog?)
Wherein Crazy Man and the dog, Sidestepper, almost get posted.
(NOTE: Every departure has an arrival?)
Wherein Crazy Man and the dog, Sidestepper, meet Tit, Center of the Round Thing that Forever Circles
(QUESTION: Who will?)
Wherein Crazy Man and the dog, Sidestepper, encounter the guardian pigeons.
(QUESTION: Left, right or center?)
Wherein Crazy Man and the dog, Sidestepper, meet Matt the Rat
(NOTE: Not all rats will eat you.)
Wherein Crazy Man and the dog, Sidestepper, witness the almost war of the yoiks
(NOTE: Avoid balls of light in space.)
Wherein Crazy Man and the dog, Sidestepper, meet the stupid perspective.
(NOTE: Don’t get framed. Ever.)
Wherein Crazy Man and the dog, Sidestepper, the mad moose.
(NOTE: No…moose do not smoke.)
Wherein Crazy Man and the dog, Sidestepper, meet paradise with a price.
(QUESTION: To bonk or not to bonk?)
Wherein Crazy Man and the dog, Sidestepper, meet the flower people.
(NOTE: Poisonous and venomous are two tickets to the same destination.)
Wherein Crazy Man and the dog, Sidestepper, will never accept half.
(NOTE: Always judge your thirst accurately before drinking half.)
Wherein Crazy Man and the dog, Sidestepper, meet the Road Sorely Traveled.
(NOTE: No road is just a road.)
Wherein Crazy Man and the dog, Sidestepper, visit the un-playground.
(NOTE: Always carry a bolt cutter in your mind.) g soon!
Wherein Crazy Man and the dog, Sidestepper, play Guess Who I Am. Or Die.
(NOTE: He who carries matches, makes the rules.)
Wherein Crazy Man and the dog, Sidestepper, escape Plan B.
(NOTE: No leaf comes without a tree.)
Wherein Crazy Man and the dog, Sidestepper, meet the sitting stones.
(NOTE: Let the fly sit first.)
Wherein Crazy Man and the dog, Sidestepper, listen to advice about the voices.
(NEVER: Listen to the voice unless you should listen to it.)
Wherein Crazy Man and the dog, Sidestepper, see the light.
(PLEASE: Shine a little light on us.)
Wherein Crazy Man and the dog, Sidestepper, meet a stinker of a ladybug.
(ALWAYS: Check under the spots.)
Wherein Crazy Man and the dog, Sidestepper, meet something loud.
(WARNNG: Stop flushing for a while.)
Crazy Man and the dog, Sidestepper, and the great fall.
(WARNNG: Those who live by the season, die by the season.)
Crazy Man and the dog, Sidestepper, meet the deader squirrel.
(THINK TWICE: Before filling your pockets with confusion.)
Crazy Man and the dog, Sidestepper, almost walk on walls.
(REMEMBER: Only you can prevent lizards.)
Crazy Man and the dog, Sidestepper, meet the singing mushrooms.
(NOTICE: Only you can prevent singing mushrooms.)
Wherein Crazy Man and the dog, Sidestepper, experience directional confusion.
(NOTE: Only you can prevent misdirection.)
Wherein Crazy Man and the dog, Sidestepper, have an electrifying experience.
(DON’T: Juggle lightning when you can juggle oranges.)
Wherein Crazy Man and the dog, Sidestepper, have floating driftwood.
(NOTE: Never underestimate the length of a question.)
Wherein Crazy Man and the dog, Sidestepper, get trashed?
(NOTE: It’s all in what you devour.)
Wherein Crazy Man and the dog, Sidestepper, define a dog on it’s own terms.
(NOTE: Being yourself is OK.)
‘Wherein Crazy Man and the dog, Sidestepper, face the fruit fly Armageddon.
(Question: Is it better to be irritated or annoyed?)
Wherein Crazy Man and the dog, Sidestepper, see the cob behind the corn.
(TIP: Always carry butter and salt in case you meet boiled corn.)
Wherein Crazy Man and the dog, Sidestepper, visit the Single’s Only Seagull Social Club
(WARNING: Gulls just wanna have fun.)
Wherein Crazy Man and the dog, Sidestepper, See the Oneness of the Empty Bottle
(WARNING: Don’t sign the petition.)
Wherein Crazy Man and the dog, Sidestepper, Feel Like They’re Being Watched
(WARNING: Not all lilies are lilies.)
Wherein Crazy Man and the dog, Sidestepper, have a shitty experience.
(NOTE: Not everything behind the door is good.)
Wherein Crazy Man and the dog, Sidestepper, cross time and concepts.
(NOTE: Nothing to get steamed up about.)
Wherein Crazy Man and the dog, Sidestepper, confront thoughts and ideas.
(NOTE: It’s time to consider possibilities.)
Wherein Crazy Man and the dog, Sidestepper, refuse to step aside.
(NOTE: Who knows what chaos reigns in a portal?)
Wherein Crazy Man and the dog, Sidestepper, meet the stairway to heaven.
(CAUTION: Maintenance is key to heaven.)
Wherein Crazy Man and the dog, Sidestepper, log out.
(CAUTION: Beware of mean fish.)
Wherein Crazy Man and the dog, Sidestepper, encounter another path.
(QUESTION: How do you know what to believe?)